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Participant 2


Participant 2.jpg

COVID-19-My Experience, before & After; Moving Beyond That  

Before COVID: 

  • It was March 3, 2021, that I was diagnosed with COVID-19. Before covid became my personal testimony, my life, was in a state of recovery during a pandemic. I time of isolation is when it was either make good use of it or lose out. I used this time to communicate better, build myself spiritually and not give into to unhealth habits of being idle. I was “staying connected.” 

  • My health history before covid; back surgery, hip surgery, pain from the neck down to my feet, arms, finger, tender muscles. Difficulty breathing and sleeping. (Where the pain strikes)  

  • I DID NOT KNOW!!!: A week had gone by with me laid out on the couch, barely able to move. All my strength was just about gone. The 7th day, I just could not make it to the restroom. It was at that time of release and my sister-in-law urging, that I was taken to the emergency room (I had no fever). The diagnosis was “covid pneumonia.” I spent 6 days in the hospital.   

Solution vs. Systems 

  • How could this happen to me? 

  • I was in the house most of the time. A whole year and now I contract “covid”!! Did my spouse bring it home, our daughter? We all got it at the same time. “Nobody knows” Will we ever know?  

  • How does it end? Who knows?  

  • Moment of tiredness 

  • Nightly feeling like I am catching a cold  

  • On spurts of neuropathy  

  • Painful and sleepless night  

  • Memory loss  

  • The timeline:  

  • Past, Present, Future 

  • How can I be renewed?  

  • Walking in a true reality it most be moment of mind over matter!! How will I be tomorrow? Who knows? But, I choose to be good and share in helping others.  


Moving Beyond That My thought process going forward- not to allow COVID19 and what may come after to debilitate me mentally in any way. FEAR will I be a statistic PEACE enjoying family HOPE Trust GOD “You are not Listening!! COVID took me to another place of having more to add on to already existing condition. Don’t people even your doctor get tired of hearing what sounds like complaining? Shut-down Vs. Speaking out is where my emotions took me to feel safe from being heart-broken. What’s miss? My spouse traced me for this project with no left arm. Am I seen as incomplete? IV’s, Solutions, Blood Work.

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